Friday, May 29, 2009

Star Trek

You've probably heard how good this movie is. And I'm not writing to dispute that. It is indeed very good...even if you are not a Trekkie...even if you love Star Wars.

Rather, I'm writing this to discuss the Vulcan salute. Young Spock, played by Zachary Quinto, must throw up the salute at some point. Seriously, you can't be a Vulcan and not do it. It's like being a hippie and not throwing up a peace sign, or if you're Liam Gallagher, not throwing up the backwards peace sign. (Yeah, I just made a reference to Oasis).

Anyway, in real life Quinto cannot properly separate his middle and index fingers. Other than this glitch, Quinto is perfectly matched to play young Spock. But yeah, that salute is a pretty big problem. So instead of getting a hand double or using CGI, the capable crew of the Star Trek Enterprise glued Quinto's fingers together.

I wonder how auditions must have been.

Casting director: Oh Zach, you are perfect for the part.
Zach: Thank you. It's been my dream to play this role. Can I go now?
Casting director: Of course. We're almost done here. We just need you to do the "live long and prosper" line and we're done.
Zach: I'd love to, but that's so typical, don't you think?
Casting director: I know, it's such a silly formality, but we need you to do it.
Zach: Right. (clears throat) Live long and prosper.
Casting director: Great and the Valcun salute.
Zach: (thumbs up)
Casting director: That's not it.
Zach: (flashes peace sign)
Casting director: That's a peace sign.
Zach: (waves really fast)
Casting director: You can't do it, can you?
Zach: No.

Look, I'm just happy glue still has its place in the film world. Low budget things still happen in big budget movies. All is well.

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